الأربعاء، 16 يناير 2013

Square Heads- What's Under the Square

You Live To Die..

It really seem to be so sick, how someone think..
Drinking alcohol, fornication, eating pork, wearing "indecent" (as people call it) clothes for women..... ect.
so many religions forbids that..
Lemme specify my talk about (Islam Christianity and Judaism)
As an ex-muslim who was born to a religious family.. I was taught to stay away of forbidden things all the way, also, I was taught that if I ever made a mistake, Drinking, lying , Zina, even killing.. I can just repent, and God will accept me

in fact it's more pathetic than that
in Islam there is that Hadith "who ever said "la Ilah Illa allah" (no god but Allah) goes to heaven"
Christians believe your sins are all forgiven as long as you accept Christ
Jews don't even believe in hell, cause god has mercy and he will forgive them.

the question is, what is the point from that bullshit anyway if i'm going to heaven??
if saying "La Ilah Illa Allah" enough for getting me to heaven, why are there sins??
why killing, stealing drinking alcohol are forbidden ??
that reminds me of a silly joke, that a woman got raped and killed by a man, she went to heaven to find her rapist there, she asked him "how could u get here?" he said "before they kill me, I repent and accepted jesus as my savior"

as I see in my society and so many different societies, that people don't give a shit to that..
they do live the way they want, as long as they have the key to paradise (whatever they think it is)
yeah, it's such an easy life !!
do what you want, god will accept you at the end cause you chosen the right path to him.
So many contradictions religions brought to people's minds, corrupted their minds and spirits, using their fear of the Unkown !!
the only reason those people follow religions is because they are afraid of what gonna happen when they die..
It's the same reason make people lose their lives making money..
fear, dear friends..

here, there is a question Quran Asked to jews, I'm asking this question to all the three religions
(Say, "If the home of the Hereafter with Allah is for you alone and not the [other] people, then wish for death, if you should be truthful.) 2:94

seriously, if you all going to heaven whatever you did? what's the point from living?? why don't you all kill yourselves??
world would be much more better though.. at least no body fights who got the most peaceful religion.
Arrrgh !!?

الأحد، 13 يناير 2013

The Little Monopoly guy

This is really annoying me, my green passport is just a pain in the ass!!     
 Although I love the color green, it's a sign for peace and nature, but I don't know why the little monopoly guy don't like my passport!!
He force me to take a stupid stamp from his clerics in my country before I enter a land he claimed, oh yes he claimed a land for himself..
He claimed a land -which he doesn't own- he doesn't let my green passport kind to freely enter this land he claimed.

Hey, by the way, I am a North African; I come from this black primitive continent.
The little Monopoly guy can enter the place we live freely, take our resources, build factories, hire my people for very little salary which he would not dare to pay people of his own color, cause it's not fair, to them!!

The little monopoly guy built cities in the land he claimed, polluted that land, killed nature and refused it's law to build his own civil regime!!

The little monopoly guy shall not enter my continent freely
His entrance must be legalized
He needs a visa like I need one too
He fears I take his money if I entered his land
and I fear he's taking green from my land
but in fact, the time green is gone, his money worthless..
And that little monopoly guy is changing the color of my land
I want my land green, like my passport, which color does not appeal the little monopoly guy..